Canadian Dental Care Plan for Seniors
What is the Canadian Dental Care Plan?
The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) is a federally delivered public plan that will help ease financial barriers to accessing oral health care for up to nine million uninsured Canadian residents with an adjusted family net income of less than $90,000.​
Applications now open for:
Seniors aged 65 and over
Children under the age of 18
Adults with a valid federal Disability Tax Credit certificate for 2023
Find out if you Qualify
CDCP established fees - what is a co-pay?
Providers will be reimbursed according to the CDCP established fees for each service covered under the plan. CDCP fees may differ from those in provincial and territorial suggested fee guides, that providers often use to charge for services. However, on average, the CDCP fees for the most frequently used procedure codes are set to cover at least 80% or higher of the fees suggested by provincial or territorial oral health provider associations. You may be asked for a Co-payment to cover the difference in these fees**
The 2024 CDCP dental benefit grids for each province and territory are available on the Sun Life website.
Fees will be reassessed annually to account for new scientific evidence, inflation, and changes in costs over time.
***A co-payment is the percentage of the CDCP fees that is not covered by the plan and that people covered under the CDCP will have to pay directly to the oral health provider.
Steps to receive your CDCP Benefits
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Apply online for CDCP benefits
You should receive a card in the mail as well as a letter explaining your benefits. It is essential that you bring this entire paper to your Consultation so your Denturist can explain your benefits.
Call our office and book a complimentary consultation with one of our Denturists so they can go over what treatment is currently covered and assist you in understanding your CDCP benefits.